<section class="page ">
    <div class="page--inner">
        <h1 class="page--headline" data-aos="fade-down" data-aos-duration="1000">
            UX Jack of All Trades
        <div class="page--content" data-aos="fade-down" data-aos-duration="1000">
            <p class="page--lead">So you want to buy some UX? It's a vast landscape and requires a lot of different skills, hard work and patience.</p>
            <p class="page--lead">When asked about UX, I often refer to the <a href="https://userexperienceproject.blogspot.com/2007/04/user-experience-wheel.html" title="The User Experience Wheel" class="link--external" target="_blank">The User Experience Wheel</a>, trying
                to zoom in on <em>what</em> and <em>why</em> we want to reach a certain goal. I am a UX Jack of All Trades with a broad knowledge and the ability to bring the individual skills together &ndash; I can help with asking the right questions
                and decide <em>how</em> to go about it.</p>
            <p class="page--lead">Need a UX review of your app or website or advice? <a href="#contact" title="Let&#x27;s talk UX" class="link">Let&#x27;s talk UX</a>!</p>
        <div class="page--action" data-aos="fade-down" data-aos-duration="1000">
            <a href="#work/2" class="button--secondary button--left">Back</a> <a href="#contact" class="button--primary button--down">Let&#x27;s talk UX</a></div>
  {{#>@page-headline animation="fade-down" duration="1000"}}
    UX Jack of All Trades
  {{#>@page-content animation="fade-down" duration="1000"}}
    <p class="page--lead">So you want to buy some UX? It's a vast landscape and requires a lot of different skills, hard work and patience.</p>
    <p class="page--lead">When asked about UX, I often refer to the {{> "@link--external" link="https://userexperienceproject.blogspot.com/2007/04/user-experience-wheel.html" title="The User Experience Wheel" value="The User Experience Wheel" }}, trying to zoom in on <em>what</em> and <em>why</em> we want to reach a certain goal. I am a UX Jack of All Trades with a broad knowledge and the ability to bring the individual skills together &ndash; I can help with asking the right questions and decide <em>how</em> to go about it.</p>
    <p class="page--lead">Need a UX review of your app or website or advice? {{> "@link" link="#contact" title="Let's talk UX" value="Let's talk UX" }}!</p>
  {{#>@page-action animation="fade-down" duration="1000"}}
    {{> "@button--secondary-left" link="#work/2" title="Back" }}
    {{> "@button--primary-down" link="#contact" title="Let's talk UX" }}
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